
Pomegranates, the "Fruit of Beauty": Unveiling Its Multifaceted Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Weight Management

Posted by Dr. Eiji Ozawa ND ,6th Jun 2023
Pomegranates, the "Fruit of Beauty": Unveiling Its Multifaceted Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Weight Management

Pomegranates, the "Fruit of Beauty": Unveiling Its Multifaceted Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Weight Management

Pomegranates, often hailed as the "fruit of beauty" or the "fruit of paradise" in their native Middle Eastern regions, boast a rich composition of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to skin and hair wellness. However, the efficacy of pomegranate-derived supplements can be inconsistent, mainly due to regional and quality variations, as well as the challenges tied to extraction methods. This article aims to shed light on some intriguing research findings pertaining to the beauty benefits of Pomanox®, a pomegranate fruit extract that effectively overcomes these issues.

Introduction to Pomanox®: A High-Quality Pomegranate Fruit Extract

Pomanox® is a pomegranate fruit extract derived from fresh, organically cultivated pomegranates, meticulously controlled by Euromed for quality consistency and safety. The proprietary Pure-Hydro™ process, utilizing water and osmotic water technology, ensures an extract free from potential hazardous substances, such as pomegranate alkaloids, without the use of chemicals. This method upholds environmental consciousness while delivering a safe, premium-quality extract.

Punicalagin, the key active constituent of pomegranate, plays a substantial role in the fruit's health benefits. This compound is predominantly metabolized by beneficial gut bacteria into low molecular weight ellagic acid and urolithin, which, upon absorption, confer beneficial effects body-wide. Pomanox® is notably concentrated and standardized to 30% punicalagin, thereby ensuring stable efficacy.

Pomanox® for Skin Brightening and Radiance

Research suggests that Pomanox®, as a pomegranate fruit extract, has the potential to inhibit melanin synthesis and prevent skin hyperpigmentation*.

Excessive melanin pigmentation, leading to issues like dark spots and freckles, can be countered by inhibiting tyrosinase - an enzyme central to the initial stages of melanin production. Studies have demonstrated that Pomanox® exhibits tyrosinase-inhibitory activity on par with thiazolidinedione (a standard reference for enzyme inhibitory activity) and slightly lower than renowned whitening agent kojic acid.

Pomegranate Fruit Extract: Toning and Moisturizing Benefits

Aging skin is a multifaceted process involving collagen and elastin breakdown in the epidermis and dermis. Hyaluronic acid, as many are aware, is integral to maintaining skin hydration.

Research evaluating the impact of Pomanox® on collagen and hyaluronic acid metabolism demonstrated that the extract influenced collagen metabolism and resulted in increased collagen and hyaluronic acid levels.

Pomanox® for Hair Health Enhancement

A double-blind, controlled study conducted on Pomanox® for age-related alopecia in 20 men (average age 47) revealed promising outcomes for hair regeneration and strength. Participants receiving either Pomanox® supplementation or topical application in the form of hair lotion saw significant improvements in hair regrowth and density. The supplementation group presented more noticeable outcomes compared to the lotion group.

Role of Pomegranate Fruit Extract in Weight Management

Recent research from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh has indicated that Pomanox® might contribute to satiety and potentially reduce food intake.

In a three-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study, 28 men and women aged 18 to 65 were either given placebo or Pomanox® supplements. Measurements of participants' hunger, appetite, satisfaction, and satiety levels showed that Pomanox® recipients reported increased satiety and satisfaction compared to the placebo group. The study concluded that Pomanox® ingestion might play a role in satiety modulation, interestingly also indicating that Pomanox® intake resulted in a more pronounced feeling of satiety and lower food intake in comparison to the placebo group.

*Please note that while research results are promising, individual responses to Pomanox® and pomegranate extracts can vary. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

pome-bio prebiotic


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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.