
5 NG Behaviors That Aggravate Melasma

Posted by Dr. Eiji Ozawa ,9th Jun 2024
5 NG Behaviors That Aggravate Melasma

5 NG Behaviors That Aggravate Melasma

What Should You Pay Attention to in Your Daily Skincare Routine?

Melasma can be a persistent and frustrating skin condition. While following a proper skincare routine is essential, certain habits can inadvertently make melasma worse. Here are five common behaviors to avoid:

1. Scrubbing Your Face with Strong Force

While it may seem intuitive to scrub your face thoroughly, doing so with too much force can exacerbate melasma. Instead, use gentle, circular motions and consider alternating your hands to reduce pressure. This helps to minimize friction and irritation on your delicate facial skin.

2. Using Harsh Facial Cleansers

Facial cleansers with harsh ingredients or scrubbing particles can irritate your skin and worsen melasma. Opt for a low-irritant cleanser; when using a product with a scrub, apply it gently. This reduces the risk of irritation and helps maintain the skin's natural barrier.

3. Showering Directly on Your Face

The pressure from your showerhead can be surprisingly harsh on your skin. Avoid letting the shower stream hit your face directly. Instead, splash your face with water using your hands or use a gentle, handheld showerhead to cleanse your face without excessive force.

4. Overusing Face Rollers

While face rollers can benefit skin care, prolonged or vigorous use can aggravate melasma. Limit your time using face rollers and be gentle to avoid unnecessary irritation.

5. Over-Application or Vigorous Wiping of Products

Applying too many products or wiping your face vigorously can increase skin irritation. Simplify your routine by choosing multifunctional products that combine benefits, such as a whitening makeup base. This reduces the number of times your skin is touched and minimizes the risk of aggravating melasma.

Self-Care Advice

Reducing skin irritation and protecting your skin from ultraviolet light are crucial steps in managing melasma. Melasma often worsens from spring to summer when UV exposure is highest, so take extra precautions during these seasons. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, wear protective clothing, and seek shade whenever possible.

By being mindful of these behaviors and incorporating gentle, protective practices into your skincare routine, you can help manage melasma more effectively and maintain healthier, more radiant skin.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.